Sunday, December 31, 2006

Out with the New - In With the Raw

Democrats used to be the party of the New Deal. For over seven decades they held themselves out to be the party of the little guy. They were the champions of the average man. They were the fighting the Republicans and the evil corporations.

Well, that’s no longer true. They still try to make that claim, but anyone who tells you that is a liar.

Today, all but a handful of Democrats are in bed with George Bush and a pack of criminal corporations fighting against the American people. Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrat leadership are not just siding with scum like Bush, McCain, and Specter, to help some criminal corporations screw the American worker; they are the spearhead of that fight.

The New Deal is being replaced with the Raw Deal and Democrats are leading the charge to make it happen. Democrats are working desperately to ram Bush’s amnesty for illegal aliens down America’s throat. Not only that; they are trying to pass amnesty for the criminal companies and executives who have been exploiting the illegal aliens and driving American wages down.

Gone are the days when Democrats sided with labor leaders like Cezar Chavez to keep illegal aliens from coming here and driving down our wages. Mr. Chavez fought tirelessly and valiantly against illegal aliens in his quest to help farm workers. He knew the economics of importing illegal, cheap, unskilled labor. It keeps wages down and gives the employer the opportunity to exploit the workforce with impunity. Mr. Chavez picketed the offices of the I.N.S. and led United Farm Workers in marches and demonstrations against illegal aliens. He led squads of Hispanic-American men in patrols on the border that were much like the Minutemen patrols of today.

Democrat leaders are siding with Bush and the criminal companies and ignoring groups like "You Don't Speak for Me," a national group of Hispanic Americans who also oppose amnesty for illegals and oppose amnesty for their criminal employers.

The Democrat party is also turning its back on its most loyal constituency, Blacks.
Groups like Choose Black America, the Crispus Attucks Brigade, and the Alamo Coalition agree with Rev. Jesse Peterson, that the Bush/Kennedy/Pelosi plan for amnesty and guest workers is “a disaster for all Americans that will hit black citizens the hardest."
In May of ’06 at a press conference Chose Black America held at the Washington Press Club, Bush's line that illegal immigrants are taking jobs that Americans "are not taking" was ridiculed as a "flimsy excuse" by James E. Clingman, a columnist, University of Cincinnati professor and founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Clingman said: "Pay us a living wage, and we will work for those jobs."
But it isn’t just Hispanic-Americans and Black Americans who are hurt by illegal immigration and the sleazy politicians in both parties who support it. As we saw after the raids on the Swift Company Americans of all kinds stood in long lines to get the jobs vacated by the illegals. They wanted those jobs even though wages in the meatpacking industry has gone down over the past decade as more and more Americans were replaced with illegals.

In a telephone interview for this column, Rev. Michael Rodgers of the Alamo Coalition said; “Democrats take the Black vote for granted. They think they can do anything they want to us and we’ll still vote for them. Those days are gone.”

He went on to say; “Look at the last Presidential election. Bush won because of the Black vote in Ohio. He took over 14% of the Black vote in Ohio which was more than his margin of victory in that state. Without Ohio, Florida was meaningless.”

He went on to say that Black Christians in Ohio abandoned Kerry because of his support for abortion and gay marriage. He also talked about how a generation ago Blacks couldn’t work construction jobs because of Jim Crow and today they are losing those jobs because illegals will do the work for less money.

Rev. Rodgers also said “Bush, and the Democrats siding with him, think we’re going to sit back and be last hired, first fired behind a bunch of illegal aliens who shouldn’t even be here are in for a surprise. That ain’t going to happen.”

Democrats who think they can side with Bush against the American people and continue to win elections should take a look at what really happened in the November election instead of what the Open Border Lobby says happened. For example, 11.5% of all Republican seats in Congress were lost as Democrats took back control of Congress. But only 6.7% of the Members of Tancredo's Immigration Reform Caucus lost their seats.

Loss of Election by Republicans Based on Their Immigration-Reduction Grade of This Congress
* 9.6% with an A grade lost
* 25.0% with an F grade lost
* 9.2% with a B grade lost
* 6.4% with a C grade lost
* 9.5% with a D grade lost
Nor, is it true that Hispanics voted against Republicans because of their support for enforcing the law and protecting American workers. Gabriel Escobar, associate director of the Pew Hispanic Center, commenting on their exit polls said; “It is important to note that immigration in the Latino population is never a top-tier issue,”

The Pew Hispanic Center’s exit polling indicated that Hispanic voters turned away from the Republicans because of dissatisfaction with the handling of the war in Iraq, insecurity about the economy and their own middle class jobs. In other words Hispanic voters turned against Republicans for the identical reasons that many non-Hispanic voters did in this election.

Rather than the myth the pro-criminal mainstream media is pushing, the poll results show the driving forces behind the voting decisions of Hispanics, was very much the same as they were for voters of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. “It may be that this election was more a reflection of this Democratic wave than any sort of fixed tack to the right or left by the Latino voters,” Escobar said.

So why are Democrats siding with Bush against the American people? It’s most likely because the criminal employers who want to use illegal aliens to drive American wages down even further, have very deep pockets and a virtual monopoly on the mainstream media. The Democrats, and some sleazy Republicans, think they can ride big contributions and good press in the mainstream media to victory in ’08.

My bet is they are wrong!

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