Thursday, December 21, 2006

Neither Giuliani nor McCain Can Win in ‘08

The MSM and the Christie Todd Whitman- Arlen Specter wing of the Republican Party are falling all over themselves to convince Republican voters that their only choice for the party’s nomination for President in ’08 is between Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. While the MSM and RINOs like Whitman and Specter tell us a conservative can’t win the general election, some posters on Republican blogs are claiming Giuliani and McCain are conservatives.

There is almost a total blackout in the media, on talk radio, and even on the Republican blogs, about the real problems both of these men have in winning the general election. In fact, choosing either of these men is a sure recipe for electing whoever the Democrats nominate.

Both men have a problem with women that will cost votes. The MSM is ignoring these problems but the Democrat attack machine will not.

Giuliani had at least one and probably two, affairs while in office. He denies the one, but his ex-wife makes the case that he had an adulterous affair with Cristyne Lategano-Nicholas, a staff member in his administration. The other he doesn’t deny. In fact, he is now married to the woman he was cheating with.

Multiple affairs may not cause many people in this day and age to not vote for someone. However, in the case of the of the affair he admits, he not only had a very public affair, escorting Judith Nathan around New York while still married, but he announced in a press conference that he was leaving his wife. He never told his wife. She, and his children, learned he was leaving when he announced it publicly at the press conference. Many women will not overlook treating his wife that way. For many Christians, both men and women, who are already put off by Giuliani’s support for abortion, even including partial-birth abortion, Giuliani’s treatment of his wife and children is a deal killer they will not overlook.

McCain has a similar problem. He left his wife, who stayed with him throughout his captivity and fought fiercely for his release when she became crippled in a car accident. Making matters worse, he married a junkie who, instead of spending her own money for her drugs, stole them from a charity she worked for.

Leaving a healthy wife is one thing. Leaving your wife when she becomes injured is another. Leaving your crippled wife for a junky thief is the kind of thing that political operatives dream of using against an opponent.

Democrats are chomping at the bit to go after either Giuliani or McCain on this issue. They are still smarting from Republican pundits saying that Clinton’s affair showed that he didn’t have the character to be president. They can’t wait for James Carville or some other pundit to throw out the character issue against Republican pundits who attacked Clinton for being unfaithful and accuse them of hypocrisy when they try to defend this.

After the 2000 election Karl Rove spoke often about the 4 million Christians who didn't turn out in to vote. He made a big push to get them out in 2004, including an unprecedented push in Black churches.

The strategy paid off. In 2004 Bush won more than double the number of Black votes in Ohio as he won in 2000. The 14% of the Black vote he won in Ohio gave him the state and the election. Had he lost Ohio, the Florida vote would have been meaningless.

If Republicans lose a substantial number of Christian votes plus lose some conservative voters who, for one reason or another, will not vote for Giuliani or McCain, the election is lost. There aren’t enough swing votes to make up the difference. Nor are there enough “character doesn’t matter” voters to make up the difference.

Nominating either Giuliani or McCain is political suicide for the Republican Party. That’s probably why the MSM is pushing them so hard.


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